Travel Authorization Form Template

Streamline employee travel requests and approvals with this customizable travel request form.

Simplify your workflows

Regardless of their role, most employees must do some travel for work. This leads to lots of requests for managers and HR staff to sift through. Streamline the process with this online form template. Employees will be able to submit travel information and have it automatically routed to the right staff for approval.

Customize with ease

Make this authorization form your own in just a few minutes with Formstack's intuitive drag-and-drop builder. The travel request form template is 100% customizable, with multiple field and question options. You can also add your logo, update colors, and change fonts. It's mobile-optimized right out of the box, giving your employees the flexibility to submit their travel requests from a computer, phone, or tablet.

Streamline approvals

Stop wasting time chasing paper—and people—for the approvals you need. Formstack makes it easy to automate your travel authorization form approvals, saving you time and minimizing headaches. Use the Approvals tool to automatically send form submissions to the employees who need to approve the request. You can set up multi-step approvals when submissions need to be approved by several staff members before reaching HR.

Send automatic reminders

Are there required deadlines for your form submissions? Use Formstack's Portals feature to send out deadline reminders automatically. Your portal can be used to share individual forms or groups of forms with designated people. Easily set automated reminders to go out on a recurring basis, and remove those who have already filled out their form.

Simplify communication

Avoid long email chains, stacks of paperwork, impromptu meetings, and stuffed inboxes by automating and streamlining communication for requests. Formstack makes it simple to send out customized, automated email messages when a travel request form is submitted. You're in full control of the message and can send out different messages depending on the information submitted within the travel authorization form.

Formstack saves us tons of time on data entry and analysis and makes it simple for us to see, use, and share data across departments.
Lindsay Anderson
Project Manager at National Geographic Society

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